In simpatico with ‘essentialist’ tendencies toward the invocation of centralized hybrid core forms, my content and working process address ambiguity. Oftentimes obscured or darkened in areas, my imagery alludes to personal identity as shifting through transitory states, signifying embodied presence. I’m pouring and pulling ink across a variety of smooth surfaces with a large metal rule. The motion is rapid and tension is created by the concurrence of fluidity and precision. This repetitive action and its ensuing forms connote the layering of present experiences over indeterminate histories – palimpsests of viscera.
Patti Jordan: ‘CELLS/SELVES’ (Zygote 002)
In simpatico with ?essentialist? tendencies toward the invocation of feminist core imagery, ?Cells/Selves? repeatedly incorporates centralized forms, signifying embodied presence. In my WETLAB I?m pouring and pulling ink across a smooth surface with a metal rule. The motion is rapid and tension is created by the concurrence of fluidity and precision.
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