The speed and scale of human movement occurring around the planet in 2020 is nearly incomprehensible. A devastating viral contagion now travels between continents and neighborhoods; global protests; marches; migrations; 65 million displaced refugees; civil and cyber warfare… My work addresses ancient and recurring movement patterns now unfolding with the force of billions on the planet. I use drawn, painted and projected marks, as well as live performances and public installations to highlight the instability, violence and power of human motion – individual and collective – and the ebb and flow of its destructive, cataclysmic, and chaotic force.
Nell Breyer: Perspectives on a dance in Sol Le Witt’s ‘Bars of Color within Squares (MIT)
This piece is part of a dyptich that was created from a dance performance and dual-channel video installation I choreographed in 2012 – inspired by the famous collaboration ‘Dance’ with Lucinda Childs, Sol Le Witt, and Phillip Glass. My work was performed horizontally on a permanent public installation created by Sol Le Witt housed at MIT. Audience members were invited to view the work from 6 stories above and eventually made their way down to the floor, where dancers performed. The space is- cathedral like-a landscape too big to absorb in 1 glance.
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