After 20 years of editorial illustration, letterpress printing, sculpture and obsessive drawing from life the need to combine my interests made the book form an obvious vehicle. How a book has to function as an object – both static and kinetic, compositionally each page individually and as a spread, and be experienced physically and visually by the viewer in a personal and intimate way, gave me the complexity and stimulation missing in the singular pursuits of my artistic life.The level of design, craftsmanship and engineering required to create an interesting, structure that accurately reflects a book’s content and that could withstand constant handling keeps me engaged and challenged. This particular piece, Gestalt Lesson, reflects the direction of my work recently. The relationship of parts to whole and how the small elements when seen as a whole almost alchemically is perceived as something far greater than all its tiny, often tangled, parts.
Lynne Buschman: Covid pod B
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