New York based multi-disciplinary artist Gwen Charles interjects the performing body, often her own, into an exploration of the female experience, into non-proscenium formats interweaving sculpture, movement & video.
Performances, often in alternative spaces, take inspiration from everyday objects, dreams, and historical references, and merge elements of reality, fantasy, and absurdity.
Gwen Charles: Forest Within (Video)
Inspired by a vivid dream featuring a dark-haired woman creating slow, gentle movements wearing a tuxedo and a bib-shaped mirror, reflecting her outside environment.
In this video work, dancer Hsuan-Hsiu Hung improvises movements drawing from her contemporary dance and Qi Gong training, while reflecting the contrasting sky and natural surroundings in the mirrored heart centered bib. The reflection in the mirror reveals that we were always one with nature and nature is within us.
Humans see themselves as separate from nature but biologically we are no different than nature. We are made of the same materials and elements as every other living thing on the planet. All of the separation we experience, we have created.
Edgar Mitchell, astronaut on the Apollo 14 mission, has said, “I was flooded with the ecstatic awareness that I was a part of what I was observing. I became aware that everything that exists is part of one intricately interconnected whole.”
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