Ever since childhood, I have been drawing, painting, and making mud ‘pies’ in my backyard. For the last twenty plus years, clay has been my primary choice of medium. I am drawn to the liberating and exhilarating experience of creating an object from mere mud, whether it is a functional, figurative, or otherwise representational piece. When making ceramics, I strive to address the relationship between form and surface; incorporating sculptural elements, while the clay also becomes a canvas, on which to paint.
Dara Tesse: History in Our Hands
Twelve bas-relief clay tiles. 1. Formation, 2. Digging in Clay, 3. Venus of Dolni Vestonice, 4. Cuneiform, 5. Ishtar Gate, 6. The Kiln, 7. The Pottery Wheel, 8. Panathanaic Amphora, 9. Chanoyu, 10. Nok Sculpture, 11. Terracotta Warriors, 12. Adobe Hut
These twelve bas-reliefs represent a subset of a series of ‘pages’ depicting the history of clay, in clay. The images span millennia – beginning with the formation of the earth, and the oldest know ceramic relic, the Venus of Dolní Věstonice. They span different cultures and continents, describe different processes, and uses; from communication as cuneiform, to architecture, for burial rites to religious rites, to ceremonial usage, to the common pot.
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